Living in Timisoara for 9 months as a Fulbright Scholar (2022-23), Tanta walked the city keeping an eye out for the patina and contrast of place, for the thumbprint of time. Tanta walked the historic neighborhoods of Fabric, Iosefine, and Kuncz looking not only to document but also to shape and gather the phenomena of gentrification and the detritus of lost utopias on a scale of subjectivity hard to imagine. Documenting loneliness. 

Historic Center Synagogue 

The drama was outstanding. Can you imagine what the light did before this place fell to ruin? 

Sunset Reflection

Tanta captures the light as a lonely arbiter of the truth as subject, cracking.

Corner Bread Line

I have a vague memory of my dad going out at 5:30 in the morning to stand in line to get our ration of meat.

What the Shadow Doesn’t Know

Christmas lights shot through the wrought iron balcony railing of the oldest building in Timisoara called the Garnizoana, in Liberty Plaza.

Whitish Cube

Across the street from where my grandparents lived when they were relocated to the city from their farm. How the trams would thunder by startling the dust between the double windows.

The Accidental Painting

Sometimes intention is evaded and attention just happens.

Busy Going By

Sometimes life doesn’t sit pretty waiting for a close up. It rings you up and calls you by another’s name.


When you reach underneath a park swing and just pull the trigger and composition happens.

The Sun Just So

I wonder if hammocks get tired too sometimes.